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FAQs for Bands

How can I get my band on a 7" vinyl comp release?

If your band would like to be on a 7" vinyl compilation with us please be aware that each band needs to pay for their portion of the vinyl release.  We can't afford to front you the money, as the 2 of us who run this label are both working class dads.  Neither of us are rich, nor do we care to be.  Your band pays at cost, $200 for 50 copies ($4 each, includes shipping if you are in the U.S.).  You can sell your vinyls for whatever you want, where ever you want. 

How can I get my band on one of your comps, or can we do a full cd release?

Well, it's easy!  Send a .wav formatted song to  One condition though, have some pride!  Send us a professional recording!  If you want any merch to sell at your shows or online, just ask us through email or our Facebook page.  We will sell cd's to you at our cost, which is about $4 a cd including shipping if you are in the U.S.

Why do you not give me free stuff?  I gave you one of my band's songs!!! (*sniffle, sniffle*)

We are a small DIY label that sells our stuff at damn near cost.  We are just 2 working class dads trying to pay our bills, have fun with this, and not have this damn record label break our bank accounts.  So give us a break!

Why do I have to pay for "my portion" of your label's release?

Because we said you do.  We are not rich, nor do we care to be.  We are just 2 working class dads trying to help you out by putting you on a label, getting you some recognition and getting you on a release.  If you don't like that response, then no need to waste our time or yours.  

My band is well known, we like what you guys are about, can we help you guys?

Absolutely!  You won't only be helping us, you will be helping other smaller bands who may play a huge role in the future!

My band is well known but we want to be on an 8 up Records release.  Do we get any freebies?

Yes.  You are helping other bands get more recognition just by being on a release with them.  This also helps 8 Up Records gather some recognition as well, so yes! You will get some free copies of the release that you can sell.

My band is from Australia (or insert any other country here), but we would like to be on your label, how can we do that? 

All bands are welcome internationally.  Send us an email or hit us up on Facebook.  Please send a .wav formatted song at that time, so we can hear what you do. We will take a listen and get back to you.  We will always respond.

FAQs for Customers

Where is 8UP Records located?

We don't have a physical location. We are an online store, but the 2 people who run it are from the USA.  Jason is from St Louis, MO and Sam is from Philadelphia, PA. 

Can I get some freebies?

If you buy more than 2 vinyls (or 2 cds), you will get a freebie of our choice!

I don't have any money, can I trade you something or offer help for some freebies?

Yes, you can offer something for trade for one of our releases, or you can offer to help us in some way. Feel free to reach out to us, we could always use a little more help. 

Why don't you have more items for sale?

Tell us what you would like to see us have! We are always looking for suggestions!

I want to buy a shirt or other merch, where can I get that?

Please send us an email asking for whatever it is you would like.  If we don't have any of what you request at the moment, we will customize something for you at a reasonable cost.

What bands are on your label?

Many small bands that we like to help internationally. But so far the largest band to contribute has been English Dogs.  We have also re-released an MDC/Naked aggression gatefold 7" vinyl split vinyl with Yage Records from North Carolina. The MDC gatefold consists of 8 different bands, (two 7" vinyls, 4 bands on each 7"). Please take a look at our Facebook page and our website. You will find all releases, along with bands and track listings.

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